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Imperial Glass

The mission of the National Imperial Glass Collectors Society is to preserve and study the heritage of the Imperial Glass Company Corporation including the design, manufacture, and marketing of its products; to honor the men and women that made it possible; and to interpret the Imperial Glass Company Corporation’s role in the local community, the nation’s industrial history, and in home and family life. The Society maintains a museum to house and exhibit collections of glass and artifacts in furtherance of this mission.

Our History


The 2024 National Imperial Glass Collectors’ Society “Kaleidoscope of Color” Convention was held June 6-8th in Bellaire, Ohio.. The convention began Thursday with a guided tour of the Oglebay Museum by curator, Holly McCluskey. That afternoon we held our “Bring & Brag” seminar and our Annual Ice Cream Social at the Museum.

Friday’s activities were held at the Bellaire Christian Church and began with a seminar led by Imperial Treasurer, Michelle Mast, and our youngest member, Vivian Barricklow, on Imperial Toothpick Holders. Then Imperial Society President, Kathy Turner, introduced us to the Glass Paper Fanatics and their current project, the scanning and chronicling of all paper documents produced by the Imperial Glass Company. Their work will be published in several editions later this fall. After lunch we held out General Membership Meeting, electing new officers, trustees and a Nominating Committee. Friday evening we held our “Sparkle and Shine” Banquet at the Sons of Italy in Bellaire.

Saturday began with our annual “Glassiest” held on the Museum lawn.  Many members set up tables and sold glass.  At 11am we had a special seminar by Cal Hackeman from the National Stretch Glass Society. 2024 is their 50th Anniversary and this session was extremely informational and enjoyed by all. After lunch, we returned to the museum and enjoyed our “Former Employees Roundtable”-Everyone’s favorite each year!  The winners of the silent auction were announced and everyone made their way home!

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